Discover where our extra virgin olive oil comes from

Watch the video of the harvest

In order to obtain the best extra virgin olive oil, we pay great attention to the moment of harvesting. To do this we keep two processes in mind: veraison and inoiling.

The passing of the seasons, the changes in temperature and the consequent ripening processes lead our olives to change color from bright green to black. This process is called “veraison” and the moment in which we have the greatest quantitative concentration of oil and phenolic substances, responsible for the nutritional values and organoleptic qualities of the oil, is when veraison is at 50-60%.

The “inoliation” is instead the moment in which the water, sugar and acid content decreases in our olives and the oil content increases. Usually this process already begins in August and ends in November. As you can easily imagine, every year on our olive trees there are fruits at different levels of ripeness but for us it is of fundamental importance to carry out the harvest when the greatest number of olives is in perfect condition.

We absolutely cannot afford to make this step late, as riper olives would be both more subject to attacks by insects and, having a higher free acidity, would lead to a lower quality of the final product.
  Our harvest period is therefore relatively variable, but also taking into account atmospheric factors and cultivation practices adopted, in principle, it starts from November and ends in December.

Our Extra Virgin Olive Oil

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